Of course, we all feel tired sometimes. And it is normal to feel tired, but happy - after a hard workout or a long and productive day at work. But when you can't wake up refreshed every day, when fatigue is overwhelming and for a long time, it can be debilitating, even dangerous, said Emerson Wickwire, PhD, Director of program Sleep Medicine to pulmonary disease and Critical Care Associates at Columbia (Maryland) and Assistant Professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. "Fatigue has caused or contributed to the man-made disasters ranging from the Exxon Valdez to the chemical explosion at Bhopal, India, as well as thousands of smaller scale industrial accidents," he said. "And doctors who have worked more than 24-hours in a row commit fatal medical errors far more often than doctors well rested. It is safe to say that fatigue is a major hazard problem".
Fatigue is a component on your life, zapping your energy and you leaving too pooped to participate. And too often we ignore our fatigue, said Dr. Wickwire. "When we feel tired, it's easy to think,"I can push this through,"or"this is normal", and that is why fatigue can kill so quickly."
The good news? Take the time to find the reason for your fatigue can cause more often a fix - and restored energy levels. Here are a few causes of fatigue, you might want to:

1. the poor quality of sleep. Of course, you know that you need seven to eight hours of sleep per night. And you might well be in his bed during this period. But there are several conditions that interfere with sleep, according to Derek Ochiai, MD, an orthopedic surgeon sports medicine in Arlington Virginia. "People often don't realize that their sleep is interrupted due to a problem of breathing like sleep apnea," he said.
Sleep apnea is a condition where you have brief interruptions of air flow and loss of oxygen during sleep, explained Dr. Ochiai - a situation that can lead to chronic daytime sleepiness.

The solution: If you wake up not feel refreshed despite the adequate hours in bed, think evaluated by a sleep specialist to rule out the possibility of sleep disorders.

2 too much caffeine. Yes, this cup or two of java allows you to move the morning. It helps even a little bit with your workout. But too much caffeine and your body (which is still seeking a balance between stimulation and sedation) produces chemical products caffeine Counter to sleep back at the centre, causing a slump of caffeine after.

The patch: it is difficult to cut back on caffeine, said David Marks, MD, former editor in Chief of health and of science and medical chief reporter for CBS News and currently Director medical of imbalance in health in New York. "We are a society hyper-contenant caffeine," he said. "We drink cola, tea and coffee throughout the day."
But it is worth trying to replace the water or other beverages without caffeine at least from time to time to see if this improves energy levels, he added. "And stop drinking caffeine at least 16 or it can interfere with sleep."

3. poor nutrition. Many of us, especially if we are athletes, think we'll eat all the good things. But we cannot not be eating enough. Research shows that a large percentage of athletes get enough calories, carbohydrates and protein for muscle growth and recovery, leading to muscular exhaustion and body. Many eat inadequate amounts of iron, found in lean meats, shellfish, beans and fortified cereals. This can cause anemia, especially in women, who may already have their stores of iron exhausted due to the monthly loss of menstrual blood, which complicates the picture of fatigue.

The fix: take a look at your diet and your overall health. If you are not building muscle, if you feel exhausted after your workouts or if you become sick easily, it's smart to check with a nutritionist to find out exactly how much of what foods you should not ingest energy and maximum performance.

4. undiagnosed disease. Fatigue is a symptom of many diseases, said Marks, of which some is perhaps not aware that you have, such as diabetes, heart disease, urinary tract infection or rheumatoid arthritis. Hormonal problems, such as thyroid low or low levels of testosterone, can also get zapped of energy.

The solution: If changes in sleep and nutrition is not feel you more energetic, think to visit your doctor to rule out diseases that can cause fatigue.

5. the overtraining. It is no secret among the athletes you have to work hard to improve performance. But also in health work is to your body, it also acts as a stress factor. Studies have shown that athletes who train hard without adequate rest for recovery include increased cortisol levels, a decrease in testosterone, an alteration of the immune status and increased muscle break down products - which can cause fatigue.

The fix: listen to your body, Mr Marks said, and make you to build recovery time in your training program. "Your body uses as much energy to recover as it does to work on," he added.

6. undiagnosed depression. You know it if you were depressed, right? In fact, many people does not realize that they are depressed because they may not recognize the symptoms. Most of us think of depression as a feeling of sadness, but a lot of people, mostly men, experience of low level of energy as the main symptom of depression, irritability and inability to make decisions.

The solution: both genetic factors and personal stress factors can contribute to the development of depression. Recognize that you have total control over your mental state and talk to your doctor about the possibility of depression that can be treated.

Facts about Fatigue
David Marks, MD, former health and science editor and chief reporter medical for CBS News and currently Director medical of imbalance in health in New York, fatigue is one of the most common complaints that bring people to the doctor's Office.

A new study from the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute shows that fatigue causes 20 percent of car accidents. More surprising, the number of fatigue-related accidents is higher during the day than during the night.

Studies show that people need between seven and eight hours of uninterrupted sleep per night for maximum performance and energy, yet 30% of people sleep less than six hours per night.

A 2011 survey by the National Sleep Foundation found that 20% of people aged 19 to 29 are awakened at least a few nights a week by calls, texts or emails. In addition to the interruption of sleep, blue lights emitted by these electronic gadgets suppress melatonin, a hormone that helps regulate sleep and wake cycles.

Recent research suggests that, in addition to the fatigue is a symptom of depression, it can also cause depression.

Moderate physical activity can zap fatigue in many cases. But it doesn't have to be intense. A study through the University of Oregon found that a regular routine of gentle yoga may boost energy levels considerably.

Dehydration zaps energy and reduces performance. And thirst is not always an indicator of dehydration; If your urine is darker than color straw, you need a patch of water. MS. & F




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