The fall season brings welcome changes in many parts of the country, with a show magnificent exterior and the relief of those blistering summer temperatures. But fall also inaugurates the season of colds and flu, with miserable symptoms that you can exclude the days. Read more for more information on these common respiratory diseases, and what you can do to fight them.
Cold and flu or 'flu', are caused by viruses, said Heather Rosen, M.D., Director of urgent care at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. "Colds are a family of more than 200 viruses," she explains. "Adults get usually about two to three colds per year, while the child may have as much as five to seven."
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, flu virus are more cunning - and more lethal. Although there are three main types of flu (A, B and C), different models can mutate into any number of influenza viruses that affect humans human. Flu attacks about 5 - 20 percent of the U.S. population each year, causing more than 200,000 hospitalizations due to fatal complications such as pneumonia. About 23,000 people die from flu and its complications every year.
Symptom-Wise, that he may seem difficult to say if you have a cold or the flu, said Mr. Rosen. "The only sure way to tell is with a throat swab, which is a lab test," she says.
In general, however, the symptoms of a cold are causes less severe and more likely to attack the upper respiratory tract (nose, throat, upper respiratory tract), while flu, systemic disease more and often attacks the lower respiratory tract, including the lungs (see box). "I always know when someone in my office with the flu Vienna against just a cold," said Marc Leavey, M.D., an internist who practices in the area of Baltimore (Maryland). "If they feel like they are going to die, it's the flu."
Colds and flu are transmitted person to person through droplets, said Leavey. This means that secretions oral or nasal an infected person can land in the nose and mouth when the person coughs, sneezes or even speaks. Less often, you can pick up a cold or the flu by touching an object or a surface (think shopping cart handles, door handles) which has viral secretions on it.
How to fight against these respiratory invaders? Here are some suggestions from the documentation:
Gut It Out - it is a fact that we live in the middle of viruses, bacteria, and fungi,"said Holly Lucille, ND, RN, who practices in West Hollywood, California. "But we have this incredible immune system, more than 80% of it in our gut. Take a probiotic daily with a strong colony forming count to keep our gut in good shape is crucial. »
Lubricant - with a humidifier. Among the reasons cold and flu are so widespread in the colder months is that the colder, drier climate dehydrates the mucous membranes of the nose and throat, said Vincent Pedre, MD, internist in New York City. "This interferes with the natural protection of the membrane, which allows viruses to settle," he said.
A bonus to increase your household humidity between 40% and 60%, especially if someone in the household is already sick: a recent study showed that higher moisture levels reduced the survival of infectious droplets time influenza published by coughing.
Make your D-dropping levels of vitamin D in the winter months when people are out in the Sun as often, said Mr. Pandey. "Low levels of vitamin D are more likely to be viral system infections. ''
Indeed, a Harvard study has shown that those who have the lowest vitamin D were 36% more likely to have upper respiratory infections than those with the highest levels of D. Many health experts suggest taking 1000-2000 IU of vitamin D3 daily for the health of the immune system.
Wash your legs — especially before eating or to shake hands, advises Mr Leavey. "Use your common sense," he added. "You don't go crazy with the antimicrobial hand sanitizers." But timely hand-washing is the most important thing you can do to prevent colds and flu."
Stay clean the inside, too, recommended Dr. Lucille, eating cleaner throughout the season of flu and colds. Particularly important to avoid sugary foods and drinks soda and alcohol, since sugar is a system immune buster. System immune boosters include many antioxidant high brightly colored fruits and vegetables.
Rest upwards - sleep is more important than ever during the months of autumn and winter, said Dr. Lucille. Although experts are unsure how the rest helps protect you, they agree that 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night (for adults) is essential to optimize your immune system.
Soothe your system - chronic stress suppresses the immune system. Avoid stress as much as possible and if you cannot avoid it, learn to deal with it by practicing some relaxation techniques such as meditation. Some studies show that people who meditate regularly show a sustained decrease in the levels of stress hormones.
When to stay home
The best way to avoid getting a cold or the flu is to avoid those who are sick. It is not always easy, however, said Heather Rosen, M.D., Director of urgent care at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. "You can be contagious with these viruses a day or two before you experience symptoms until a week later," she says.
While you cannot do much to infect others when you do not know that you are sick, others at work or school a favor and stay home when patients recommended if possible, Dr. Rosen, especially if you have a fever of more than 100 degrees, a severe cough, diarrhea or vomiting.
When to go to the Doc
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, see your doc for an antibiotic for a cold or flu is a no-no in most cases. Antibiotics do not fight these viruses and more importantly, antibiotics can lead to future infections resistant to antibiotics. So treat your cold or flu symptoms initially with plenty of rest and fluids, as well as on remedies counter if you want to control the pain, fever, and cough.
But because both a cold and influenza can cause secondary complications such as sinus infections, bronchitis and pneumonia, you may need to get medical care at any given time. When to see the doc? According to Vincent Pedre, MD, internist in New York City, "If you have a high fever over 24-48 hours, bad muscle aches, shortness of breath, intense cough and raise colored mucus, or have pain in your chest or sinuses, it may be a warning sign that you need medical care."
Should I get a flu shot?
A recent study conducted by the American network influenza vaccine effectiveness based on a survey of more than 2,500 adults and children, showed that the 2012-2013 flu vaccine was only about 56 percent efficient, surprising in a year when the "match" between vaccine is designed to protect against the flu virus and the types of influenza found circulating in the population American was good. More troubling were several studies that have shown that those who have received the annual flu vaccine may be more susceptible to a virus H1N1 (swine) flu outbreak compared to those who are vaccinated.
These studies are not so surprising by Vincent Pedre, MD, internist in New York City. "More people are getting influenza vaccine than ever before," he said. "And we still see roughly the same number of influenza cases each year."
This means that you must flee the flu shot? "Not necessarily", said Dr. Pedre, who considers that protection is better than nothing, especially for those who have increased susceptibility to viruses, such as diabetics or people with chronic lung disease like asthma or COPD. "But I don't push the vaccine on my patients. This is a codecision process, a kind of informed consent of the thing, "he added. MS. & F
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