Old-Fashioned ways to get rid of hair on legs

Old-Fashioned ways to get rid of hair on legs

Old-Fashioned ways to get rid of hair on legs

Shaving is one of the oldest methods of hair removal leg, whose origins dating back to more than a hundred thousand years. Registered first tools shaving are made of natural materials such as sharp shells and Flint. Later, as a man former developed techniques for working the metal, shaving blades made of copper, bronze or iron became more popular. Historically, most of the women in the United States did not begin to remove their leg hair until after the second world war, when advertisers took advantage of rising hem of the day the market razors disposable women to the removal of the leg.


Time of sugars, another ancient method of hair removal leg, practiced in regions of the Middle East, North Africa and the Mediterranean for centuries. One of many hair removal techniques practiced by the ancient Egyptians, sugaring involves the application of a paste of sugar sticky skin. When the dough is removed from an area of skin, he released several hairs at the root, allowing the removal of areas larger than waxing or plucking. You can make your own dough sugar at home or buy it from commercial manufacturers.


Depilatories and powders, creams that remove hair with chemicals or abrasive substances, have been used for centuries. Chemicals like arsenic, starch and lime were the main ingredients in depilatories ancient Egyptian. In the United States in the 1800s, depilatories were generally used to remove hair on the face instead of the leg hair and contain often of pumice soil as abrasive. Several modern commercial depilatories use calcium thioglycolate, an alkaline chemical product, to remove hair on legs, arms, face and bikini line.


An ophthalmologist named Charles E. Mitchel developed electrolysis in 1875 to permanently remove unwanted hair for eyelashes. In her method of hair removal, a thin needle attached to a battery was inserted into a hair follicle. The battery power has created a chemical reaction, destroy the follicle. Electrolysis for the legs, or other large areas of hair, can be a long process, and the electric current can be uncomfortable for some people. Unlike the use of shaving, sugars or depilatory, however, electrolysis is a permanent method of hair removal.



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