Control buttons

Control buttons

Control buttons



Wash your face morning and night with a warm water and a mild face SOAP, non fragrant. If your hands are dirty, wash them first, because dirt and bacteria can exacerbate buttons. Foaming cleaner in your hands and massage your skin with your fingers in a circular motion. Splash your face with cold water to rinse. Pat your face dry with a clean, unused towel.


Clean your skin with a toner containing benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. Saturate a pad of cotton with the toner and wipe it gently on your face. If you have only acne on your T-zone - in other words, your forehead, nose and Chin - skip your cheeks when toner is applied, as it can dry your skin.


Moisturize your skin with a moisturizer without oil formulated for acne-prone skin. Although it may seem counterproductive to moisturize, cleansers and toners can strip your skin of its natural oils, leading to increased production of sebum.


Apply a treatment in existing defects. Severe acne may require a prescription gel or cream, while only mild to moderate acne can often be treated with an over-the-counter product.


Change your pillowcases frequently. Your face can leave behind dirt and sebum, which can lead to rashes. Wash the pillowcases with unscented detergent without dye and ignore the emollient to avoid potentially irritating ingredients.


Wash your hair daily or every other day to prevent hair oil to your face. Use minimal styling products and pull your hair if possible.


Keep your hands on your face to avoid transferring oils for skin and bacteria that cause pimples. Your mobile phone regularly clean by wiping with a cloth with alcohol.


Avoid as much as possible to make up. If you wear foundation, locate a non-comedogenic formula, which helps prevent clogged pores. Always rinse your makeup at night before going to bed and wash your makeup brushes in a mild shampoo, such as baby shampoo, once per week. After washing, put the brushes on a clean dry towel.



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