Caffeine and the size of the pores of the skin

Caffeine and the size of the pores of the skin

Caffeine and the size of the pores of the skin

Why the Pores shrink and grow
The only way to permanently pores appear smaller is through surgery. But according to dermatologist Dr. Cynthia Bailey of California, it may temporarily reduce them. In other words, the pores are like the buttons on a pillow: when the skin around the pore is plumped up, pore will look more deep. To create the illusion of tiny pores, we need the plump up the skin that surrounds them. We must also ensure that they remain clean, because a dirty pore is tense and appears larger when it is filled with impurities.

Reduce the size of pores

There are a number of ways to flatten the skin around pores. Clay masks attract oil, water and dirt out of your pores, making them less visible. Using an oscillating brush every day when you clean your skin is also an effective way to deep clean pores so they contract. In addition, using a cream containing caffeine can help also shrink pores. When it is applied topically, caffeine dehydrates the skin, tighten it and makes smaller pores. Why the ingredient is used in many creams cellulite as well: it sucks moisture from skin autour bumps of cellulite, which makes the skin appear more flat all around.

DIY mask

You can use reasons your coffee in the morning (after that they are cool) make a mask that can sit on your face as you prepare. Simply mix a quarter Cup of milk, one tablespoon of ground coffee and a teaspoon of honey and this spread over your cleaned skin. Let stand for 20 minutes, then rinse.

The clogged Pores and coffee consumption

A common assumption is that drinking coffee can cause acne, but scientific research has yet to support this assertion. Instead of caffeine directly causing acne, some experts suggest that coffee causes increased anxiety and stress, causing the adrenal glands increase androgen production. This leads to an exacerbated production in place of the skin cells, resulting in acne and clogged pores. For this reason, you can try to limit your consumption of caffeine if you tend to suffer from clogged pores.



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