Face lotions which help with pockets & itching

Face lotions which help with pockets & itching

Face lotions which help with pockets & itching

Soothing itchy
According to the Mayo Clinic, "itchy skin that is not accompanied by other obvious changes in the skin, such as a rash, are most often caused by dry skin." Dry skin is caused by factors environmental such as extreme heat, long term use or cold air conditioning. Wash your skin too often can also lead to drought. If drought is the cause of your itching, a quality lotion can bring you relief.

Lotions that relieve itching

When it comes to finding good lotion to relieve itching of the skin, it is important to remember that all products are not created equal. There are several powerful ingredients that you should look for. Urea is a chemical substance produced by the body naturally. Urea allows the cells to absorb and retain moisture, therefore lotions that contain it bring serious hydrating power. Paraffin wax and Glycerin also deliver intensive moisture to the skin, so look for lotions that contain at least one of the two. It is also important to select unscented lotions, as many perfumes can be irritants, causing itching.

Reduction of pockets

Swollen skin is caused by swelling, which is an accumulation of fluid in the tissues. The cause of the swelling is not always easy, so it is important to consult a doctor if you notice of onset or worsening pockets in your face. Common culprits of swelling of the face, which include cellulite, eczema, and slight skin rashes. While you wait for your appointment with your doctor, home with a high quality lotion treatment can relieve your symptoms.

Pockets soothing with Lotion

There isn't any magic ingredient in your lotion that will soothe swollen skin. The factor most important in reducing puffiness is rather the temperature. Cool temperatures reduce the swelling. Store your cream in the fridge will ensure that it is cool when you apply it, allowing a maximum reduction of puffiness of the face. In addition, keeping your lotion in the fridge makes sure it stays fresh. Many lotions contain ingredients that break down when stored in environments that are too hot.



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