Few of us would not hesitate to imagine a life without the ability to hear a favorite song or a loved his voice, to the smell of a rose or enjoy a favorite food or a drink. Our eyes, nose and mouth help to keep alive, protect us from evil and we also provide an amazing array of enjoyable experiences. But while we can appreciate our sensory organs, we can realize how much they really do for us. They can tell us many things about our health in general - if only we are listening.
The eye has been called the most complex organ in your body, with a multitude of pieces that work much like a digital camera. The cornea (the front surface of the eye) focuses on the incoming light, just like a camera lens and the iris adjusts the size of the pupil to control the amount of light, just as the diaphragm of a camera. And the eyes have lenses, too, to help focus on close and approaching objects. The inner lining of the back of the eye, or retina, converts the optical images it receives to the brain, just like an image in a camera sensor.
But the eyes can so much more that provide visual images, according to Dr. Mark Fleckner, an ophthalmologist practicing in New York. "During an eye examination, doctors find clues to what is happening in our eyes - and the rest of the body," he said.
It is not uncommon, said m. Fleckner, for people to learn that they have another problem of health, such as diabetes, high blood pressure or a problem of thyroid during an eye examination. "The eye is the only place in the body where doctors can see non-invasive blood vessels," he added. "And since many diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure affect blood vessels, doctors can pick up an illness until patients are aware."
Other systemic diseases that may be associated with ocular symptoms, said Dr. Fleckner, are hepatitis, a liver disease that can cause a yellowing of the white part of the eye, autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis that can cause dry eyes, and tumors of the brain or neurological problems that are manifested in a vision double.
Take care eye symptoms that may indicate other problems with your health, said Dr. Fleckner. But because certain diseases, including eye diseases such as glaucoma, have no obvious symptoms, it is crucial to have regular eye exams, even if you are not the problems. "It is important for everyone to have an eye exam of base from 40 years", he added.
The nose is much more than a face decoration. A lining of mucus sticky traps in the nasal cavity of the dust particles, pollutants and bacteria before they can get into the lungs. Tiny hairs called Cilia sweep the excess mucus in the back of the throat where it is swallowed away. And an extensive network of blood vessels in the nose warms the atmosphere, at body temperature so that moistens the air to keep your Airways from drying out.
In addition to filter, warming and hydration of the air, the nose to smell the roses. But symptoms involving this sensory organ may also be an indication of an underlying disease, said Marc I. Leavey, a physician practicing in Maryland. Three of the symptoms that may be indicative of systemic disease, it has developed, are severe or frequent bleeding of nose, a nose that flows and changes in your sense of smell.
Everyone had a nosebleed from time to time, explained Mr Leavey. And the vast majority of nose bleeds is related to innocent causes, such as minor irritation or trauma to the nose, or drying out the nasal mucosa. But sometimes a severe nose bleeding or chronic bleeding may indicate a more serious problem, such as a cause of bleeding, the cancer of the nose or sinuses, leukemia or kidney failure. And while very rare, seriously high blood pressure can cause nosebleeds.
"The mucus in the nose, i.e., the stuff that runs, can increase with a cold, for sure. But there are a lot of conditions, some common and some not so, which can cause a drip similar, said Leavey. One of them is the acid reflux or "GERD." "While it is unusual, acid reflux can reach the bottom of the gorge, and supine, trigger increase nasal drainage as well," explained Mr Leavey.
Changes to the sense of smell may occur in a small percentage of people without any underlying disease, especially among the elderly. But olfactory changes, said Mr Leavey, can also be a sign early and predictive of certain systemic diseases. 'Nasal polyps may disrupt the normal physiology of the nasopharynx and impact on the ability to feel,' he said. "Head like a trauma or inflammation of cranial nerves, with Bell's palsy, may also have an odour impact. And endocrine diseases, diabetes, hypothyroidism and others, can change the sense of smell. »
Mr Leavey has recommended that Nasal symptoms that are severe or persist should be checked by your doctor. While most of the symptoms involving the nose are innocent - and easily processed - others may indicate a more sinister disease.
Mouth - the first part of the digestive tract - serves as an outlet for the power supply and mechanical digestion by chewing and swallowing. It also helps in the speech and to help the respiratory system in the passage of air. But when something goes wrong with the mouth, it can indicate problems with your health. "The mouth is really like a mirror that reflects the health of the rest of the body," said Leena Palomo, DDS, MSD, Associate Professor of Periodontics at the Case Western Reserve University.
There are many diseases of the mouth that may indicate a systemic problem. Pale gums, for example, can be a symptom of anemia. A burning mouth or gums that bleed easily may indicate a nutritional deficiency or a blood disease. Oral ulcerations or other lesions in the mouth may be one of the first signs of diseases like lupus, an autoimmune disease or Crohn's disease, an inflammatory bowel disease.
Red and swollen gums point to periodontal disease, said Dr. Palomo. It is a condition where "bacterial biofilm" (plaque and Tartar) accumulated in the mouth, causing inflammation, and, if left no treaty, tooth loss. But chronic inflammation linked to gum disease is not limited to just the oral cavity, she added. Your body responds to this inflammation in making inflammatory proteins called cytokines, which circulate throughout the body via the bloodstream. Your liver responds in turn to cytokines in producing another protein called C - reactive (CRP) protein. "People with high levels of protein C - reactive, regardless of the cause of the inflammation," said Dr. Palomo, "have been proposed to be more at risk of atherosclerosis."
Atherosclerosis, or a buildup of plaques in artery walls, can cause inflammation and thickening of the artery walls and can cause a stroke or heart attack. In addition to cardiovascular problems, gum disease are associated with infants of birth weight pre-term, low. And it can aggravate systemic disorders such as diabetes control.
Moreover, just as diseases of the gums can aggravate the effects of certain systemic diseases, systemic diseases that interfere with the inflammatory system of the body - like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis - can put you more at risk for gum disease.
Submission from Dr. Palomo: Brush your teeth and gums twice a day, FLOSS every day and see your dentist regularly for a cleaning and a test that can detect diseases of gums, but also of other diseases of the mouth that may indicate systemic problems. Professional cleanings should be based on your specific needs, she added. This "may suffer twice a year for people less sensitive to diseases from gums or up to four times a year for those more or who have a history of disease". MS. & F
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