Remove growths of the skin with chemical peels

Remove growths of the skin with chemical peels

Remove growths of the skin with chemical peels



Start with a consultation with a cosmetic surgeon to explore your options to remove the skin. In all cases in general, the doctor will have growths of skin biopsy to make sure they are not cancerous before continuing with the procedure.


Expect to receive only localized growths of the skin treatment and no treatment on a large area. If you want a peeling more far reaching, talk to your doctor. However, most will advise you to proceed with a second procedure once the procedure for removal of the growth of the skin has healed completely. Because the growths of skin often vary in depth and color, apply a chemical peel to the surrounding skin can potentially cause a discoloration of the skin and other reactions.


Prepare your skin for the chemical peel for approximately 1 month prior to the intervention. Your surgeon will write that you are a prescription for a special cream that you use regularly on the growths of skin before surgery. This cream helps to prepare the skin, ensure absorption of chemicals and improve the effects of skin.


Be aware that the largest growths of skin may require more than one procedure and that it may take a week or two for growth to fall out of the skin. After treatment, keep the skin out of the Sun for several weeks, changing dressings and cleaning wounds several times per day and contact your doctor if there are any complications at all.



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