Reduce scars with chemical peels

Reduce scars with chemical peels

Reduce scars with chemical peels



Consider a chemical peel of glycolic acid, if you have very light scars on the face of acne. It is the sweetest kind of skin with the least side effects. It does slough off the top layer of dead for most skin. It also allows to remove black and white points difficult to obtain.


Use a Jessner peel TCA for if you have very deep scars and are ready for the risk of side effects due to the nature of the scar. Destruction of skin is deeper slot of the layers of the skin, which helps the skin to appear again.


Expect to feel a slight burning sensation when the chemicals are applied. You can get a glycolic peeling on your hour of lunch, while the deeper peels require you to take a few days off the coast of work or school as your skin will turn many shades of white and pink, while the skin is peeling off the coast.


Plan on getting from two to four skins before you see a dramatic difference in your scars removal. The peeling can be done safely on all three weeks.


Watch for complications such as infection, persistent pain or crusts, which are rare with chemical peels.



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