Hydrolat of geranium for dry skin

Hydrolat of geranium for dry skin

Hydrolat of geranium for dry skin

What Causes dry skin?
Apart from medical conditions, dry skin is usually caused by environmental factors that may occur throughout the year, but in extreme cold more and warm month. It's heating and air conditioning, heating wood stoves and radiators, which suck the moisture in the air and dry out the skin. Showers and hot baths and using harsh soaps can sap moisture also. In summer, the Sun's rays can dry skin, making it look wrinkled and flaky.

What is Rose geranium Hydrosol?

Rose hydrosol is a scented water that occurs when flowers of geranium are distilled. It is the combination of water extracted from the petals of the flower, combined with its perfectly emulsified oil.

Health benefits/hydrating properties

Geranium rose hydrosol is used as a treatment for dry or oily skin by holistic practitioners who believe there cell phone skin regenerating properties rebalance the skin, according to aromatic International, a directory organized by a team of holistic experts including a nurse and certified aromatherapist. It can be added to bath water sprayed on the face and body or added to a lotion or cream.

Moisturizing cream recipe homemade

Make your own all-natural moisturizer using the following recipe:

1/3 cup apricot kernel oil
2 tablespoons Shea butter
Rose geranium Hydrosol 1 1/2 tbsp
8 drops of Chamomile essential oil
8 drops of rose essential oil
3 drops vitamin E

Melt the oil and the butter of Shea butter in a double boiler over low heat, stirring well. Meanwhile, a little hot hydrosol in a saucepan or in the microwave. Slowly pour the hydrosol in the oil, stirring constantly with a whisk until smooth and thick. Remove the mixture from heat; cooling at room temperature. Add the essential oils and vitamin E. pour the mixture in a bowl, stirring as it cools to prevent the separation of the cream.



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