Moisturize legs & hands

Moisturize legs & hands

Moisturize legs & hands



Bathe in the warm instead of hot water and use a mild soap. Choose a body wash labelled "hydration" and it works gently into your skin with a Loofah. Avoid rubbing your legs and hands, which causes irritation and will make your skin dry even worse. MedicineNet recommends using products without fragrance or SOAP.


Pat, do not vigorously rub the hands and legs after emerging from the shower. Apply a moisturising light oil on your skin. Baby oil is a possibility, although there are non-greasy options that will moisturize your skin without causing unwanted residue. If you suffer from sensitive skin, choose a body oil containing dyes or perfumes.


Apply a moisturizing balm, body butter or thick lotion on your skin. Lotions diluent, nose producing flows don't protect and hydrate your skin as effectively as a butter or thicker body. If you have very dry skin, use a product containing lactic acid or urea. Reapply after the shower and as needed throughout the day to keep the hands and legs well hydrated.


Take care of your skin from within by drinking lots of water, exercise and a diet, recommends the dermatologist Dr. Sandra Marchese Johnson, a collaborator of health every day. In addition, eat a diet rich in fatty acids omega-3, including linseed, sunflower, tuna and halibut, to help keep your skin hydrated and soft.



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