Sculpt buds of onion

Sculpt buds of onion

Sculpt buds of onion



Hold the bulb of the onion, or bud, between the thumb and forefinger. Hold to where the ingrained end is down.


Make a single, thin incision with the tip of the peeler in the middle of the egg of the onion. To do this the upper end of the bud to about 1/16 of an inch above the zone root down. Do not perforate all layers of the bulb - only the first layer.


Turn the onion and repeat step 2 on the opposite side as the first incision. Turn the onion and repeat on each side. This creates four incisions also placed on the bud.


Use the tip of the paring knife to etch the edge top of onion. Chip away tiny angular pieces of the top layer of onion between each incision line.


The tip of the paring knife to create an 'X' shaped incision on the upper surface of the egg of the onion. To do this on the upper flat where the green of the onion is chopped bulb.


Dip the egg of the onion into the bowl of ice cold water. Slightly roll the egg onion between your fingers in water. This slides the top layer of skin around gently, opening like a little flower blossom onion.



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