Prepare the skin for a chemical peel

Prepare the skin for a chemical peel

Prepare the skin for a chemical peel



Reduce or quit smoking at least 1 month prior to your regular chemical peels. Nicotine into the bloodstream slows the healing process of the skin and greatly increases the chances of infection and other adverse effects. Make sure that you tell your doctor that you smoke so that he could offer any advice as it deems expedient.


Tell your doctor about all medications and supplements of vitamins you take, like many prescription and drugs can cause skin reactions and may need to be stopped before the procedure.


Use moisturizers and creams prescribed by your doctor for about a month before the intervention. These products will vary depending on the type of chemical peel, you receive along with your type of skin, but may include bleaching skin, acne medications, and acid creams help thin fabric and prepare the skin for skin.


Stay out of the Sun and wear sunscreen SPF 15 minimum in the month preceding the chemical peeling. Exposure to the Sun not only increases the sensitivity and increase the risk of adverse effects, it can cause discoloration of the skin after healing.



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