Treat stains from old age with chemical peels

Treat stains from old age with chemical peels

Treat stains from old age with chemical peels



Schedule a consultation to find out how you can look younger by treating age spots. Discover what type of chemical peel is for you. The depth of the skin depends on the type of chemical product and the method of application.


Consider getting a Jessner peel. It is much softer, and the patients return to normal activities quickly. The chemicals used in the treatment include lactic acid, salicylic acid and resorcinol. Jessner peels enhance skin damaged by the Sun, as well as discoloration, acne and blemishes.


Ask a glycolic acid chemical peel to treat your skin from sun damage. Acid glycolic peel is soft, with few side effects and little recovery time. The acids used in this peeling are natural, also known under the name alpha hydroxy acids. Acid glycolic peels will equalize the irregularities of pigmentation and lighten brown spots, giving the skin a uniform color and texture.


Discover acid trichloroacetic, or TCA chemical peel. It can be customized to fit your needs, with excellent results. It is a mean depth peeling that removes the second-outermost layers of skin. It is perfect for those who have problems with soft skin. It provides a level of improvement, cost and recovery of intermediate time.



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