Get ready for bikini season, and worried for this little pudge in your abdominal area? Kathy Kaehler, celebrity trainer and spokesperson of USANA, wants to help. As a trainer of stars such as Jennifer Aniston, Kim Kardashian, Cindy Crawford and Julia Roberts, she got some stuff rolls up the sleeves to help blow this belly, then you're ready to flaunt your new bikini. Here are his top five tips:

pass the soda and wine. This will help you to reduce the additional calories and bloating. One of the ways is to drink more water. Flower flower, flush, and this will help flatten your midsection.

2. drink a meal replacement shake. Find something that is low blood glucose if you do not receive a rush of sugar and low calorie with a good source of fiber and protein.

3. the Board. Borrowed into yoga but fits into the routine of physical fitness of someone, the Board to tighten and tone your midsection. Keep the Board for at least a minute or accumulation at that. He works the muscles from top to bottom and upside down. A super strong core means that your stomach is pulled.

4. keep the distance vegetables. Don't get excited, you still need to eat vegetables, just don't eat just before you go to the beach. In this way, there is less chance of gas and bloating.

5. walk, walk, walk! I have all my clients walk, including Julia Roberts. Whether you are outside or on a treadmill, walking is a way to cut the body, you maintain your ideal weight, and because use you most of your muscles, you add more lean weight, which burns more calories and helps you stay lean. MS. & F




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