As taught from the 5th century BC, Hippocrates, a Greek physician who is widely regarded as the father of Western medicine, his students the importance of examining the nails of the patient. He was not looking for gaps in hygiene - Hippocrates believed that nails reflect the State of the internal body. He had discovered that abnormalities of the nails may provide clues about the sanitary conditions, simple or more serious. In fact, he found that some deformation of the nail called "clubbing," aka drumstick fingers, lack of oxygen in the blood, a sign of respiratory disorders. So important was this discovery that doctors, even today, often refer to nail Ascidians as "Hippocratic fingers."
If you're skeptical that nail abnormalities could be an early sign of ill-health, you have good reason to be, says Ramzi Saad, MD, a dermatologist certified at the South Shore skin Center and Spa in Massachusetts. Exams and routine laboratory tests could detect signs of illness before nail changes, but only if you see the doctor. "If a person receives regular health care, this may show problems," he said. "But many people do not go to the doctor regularly, nails can be a good indicator of sanitary conditions." The nails are at the end of your Visual way. You can see your nails, but you can not see your liver or kidneys. »
Why nails reflect health problems? It is not fully understood, said Charles E. Crutchfield, III, MD, a board certified dermatologist practicing in the area of Minneapolis, Minnesota. "However, in generalized inflammatory diseases, there is inflammation in the matrix of the nail (where the nail is formed), and which may cause weakness and bites. '" " And anomalies in electrolytes or proteins in the blood can cause discoloration.

If you examine your matte nails in good light, you can get a good overview of their color, shape and texture. Healthy nails are generally smooth, without ridges or bumps. The area under the nail must be a clear pink uniform without stains or discolouration. What are the symptoms of nail may indicate health problems? Dermatologists weigh on the nail changes that might indicate a need for medical care:

Terry nail is a condition where the nail plate becomes white and disappears from the lunula (half moon at the base of the nail). It can occur in one or more fingers and is associated with liver disease (liver).

Half and half nails or nails Lindsay, are characterized by the distal edge of the nail dark red, Brown or pink. This is specific for underlying kidney disease. In the most severe cases of kidney disease, the proximal part of the nail becomes white.

Beau's lines may have been best friend one day old palm drive. "When there's a real bad systemic disease, shock, surgery or injury, the matrix of the nail will be temporarily closed and do not nail, produce," says Crutchfield. "Once it resumes, there a horizontal Ridge that develops with the nail called a beautiful line. Because toenails take six months to grow, if the line on your nail is to halfway, you could tell the person, "something of very, very traumatic must have happened to you three months ago. '' And the person will say, ' absolutely. How did you know? "" Well, because you can see in thumbnail. ' " »

Splinter haemorrhages are thin longitudinal red or brown lines that occur under the nail plate. They occur due to a phenomenon of coagulation in the capillaries under the nail bed. Bleeding or leakage may be due to trauma to the nail or other problems, they are a classic sign of endocarditis, an inflammation of the inner layer of the heart, especially when coupled with other signs of endocarditis, such as fever and chills.

Oil Drop sign is a translucent yellow-red discoloration in the bed of the nail under the nail plate that looks like a drop of oil. "Once I see that, I need to know nothing else to know the patient suffers from psoriasis," says Crutchfield.

Clubbing is a variation in the corner of the nail, a rounding of the nail bed. It may indicate a problem with oxygenation in the lungs, as seen with a cigarette or chronic lung diseases, such as asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. It can also be a sign of lung cancer.

Thickened, rough nails with friable debris under the tip of the nail usually indicates a fungal infection. While this may occur in people with normal immune systems, it can indicate an im-ciency, as happens with HIV.

If you see one of these or other unusual nail changes, do not panic - but visit your doctor for a check up. Nails are usually only a piece of the puzzle. MS. & F

Not every nail anomaly is serious. Here are some common nail problems and suggestions to resolve them:

Lifting of the nail: this is when the nail grows the nail plate. It usually occurs in long nails which are traumatized by the seizure on the keyboard, acrylic nails or another daily process active.
Remedy: Trim nails short. It may take 2 to 3 months to reattach it.

Discoloration or staining: can be the result of treatment of aggressive nails, especially dark polishes or use frequent acrylic nails.
Solution: Rub lemon juice every day on the affected area. Usually takes 10 to 14 days to subside.

Ridging of the nails: it is characterized by longitudinal ridges from the base to the tip of the nail. It is quite common, especially with age. It is not linked to nutritional deficiencies.
Solution: A manicure may file the ridges down, or you can do it yourself. Chew the commercial peak if you want.

Peeling or split nails: occurs with the daily use of alcohol-based cleaners and water and SOAP. Nails appear often frayed.
Remedy: Avoid harsh cleaners, keep trim nails and use a moisturizer for the nails.




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