Dry the face for men shaving

Dry the face for men shaving

Dry the face for men shaving



Recharge the Shaver completely before. Depending on your model Shaver, loading can take up to eight hours or more.


Apply a small amount of lotion containing alcohol for the pre-shave to your face. Rub the lotion on your cheeks, Chin, upper lip, and anywhere else that you want to shave. Alcohol stiff facial hair is easier to remove with shave dry. Do not wash your face or moisten with water.

Use one hand to stretch the skin you want to shave. Stretching of the skin allows the Shaver to glide on easily, so you'll get a closer shave.


Turn on the electric shaver. Gently press the Shaver to your skin. You do not need to press hard; light skin contact is sufficient.


Pull the Shaver upwards or downwards against the face to remove hair. With an electric razor, you can shave with or against the grain of your hair growth. If you have a rotary Shaver, press the blades very gently on your face and move the Shaver using small circular movements. This continues until you have removed all the desired facial hair.


Rinse your face with warm water to wash the remnants of lotion and loose hair.


Pat your face dry with a clean towel. Do not rub your face; This may cause irritation.


Apply a balm after shave without alcohol on your face to moisturize the skin.

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