1 Decide what type of moustache style that you want. According to men's health, your mustache should not be wider than the corners of your mouth. If your lip is thin, keep your full mustache to give the illusion of fuller lips, but if you lips are full, go to room for a small mustache. 2 Paint the mustache down with a comb. Cut off excess and unruly hair with scissors and hair that falls below the threshold of the lip.
3 Take a hot shower or bath before shaving. The steam from the water softens the facial hair, which gives you a smoother, closer shave. 4 Massage the area of the mustache with your fingers for about two minutes. Put a quantity of size quarter shaving cream or gel between your hands. 5 Pour the cream to shave your hand with a Badger. Spread the cream or gel on your moustache area, so it is completely covered. Using a shaving brush to apply shaving cream is better using your fingers. Note "GQ Magazine" shaving brush to apply the cream evenly and exfoliates the skin to lift the hair. 6 Massage the area of the mustache again for a minute with your fingers. Wet your Shaver in water and shave the moustache in the style you have chosen. Hover over the Shaver gently your mustache in the direction of the hair growth. Rinse the Shaver after each pass to remove the excess cream shaving and hair. 7 Rinse the area of the mustache with cold water once that you shaved it to your liking. You are looking for a missed points. If you find, put a small amount of cream shaving on the area and shave unwanted hair. 8 Apply after shaving on the area to close up your pores and soothe the skin. Rub the shaving balm on the area of the moustache to add moisture. Shave,the,mustache,with,a,razor
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