If you've been packing on the pudge lately, you know that slimming is crucial for your overall health - not to mention fitting into your skinny jeans. Even modest weight loss can reduce your risk of developing heart disease, diabetes and cancer. But there are a few lesser-known benefits to win the battle of the bulge, too. Reading to learn the five benefits surprising to lean down and maintain a healthy for life weight.

1. you will sleep better
According to the orthopedic surgeon Ken Hansraj, MD, New York, and author of the keys for an amazing life: the Secrets of the cervical spine, excess weight in the trunk and neck can compromise the respiratory, breathing and result in sleep disorders such as sleep apnea. Sleep disorders breathing decreases the quantity and the quality of sleep, leading to daytime sleepiness - what can certainly put a dent in your enthusiasm to work. Lack of sleep also causes disruption of hormones which can trigger an increase in appetite, too. Barrier to the low same some of these books, says Dr. Hansraj, and you'll notice improved sleep - and energy for hitting the gym.

2 reduces the risk of deep vein thrombosis
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, up to 300 000-600 000 Americans develop deep vein thrombosis (DVT) every year, a condition that occurs when a blood clot forms in a vein of heavy gauge, often in the lower limbs. When you have DVT, part of the clot may break off and travel to the lungs, causing a pulmonary embolism - a State of emergency. "Excess weight increases the risk of deep vein thrombosis," said Richard Kelley, MD, Austin (Texas) emergency physician and author of the delivery response in form, because it increases pressure in the veins of the basin and the legs, passing the potential for a clot of blood to form.

3. you will be safer in hospital
Of course, you expect never really arise at the hospital. But we've all had a situation like an illness, accident or injury that leads to the emergency room. And carry additional loads makes it less effective medical intervention, said Kelley. "Excessively in overweight or obese individuals face of the technical risks in a hospital, when it comes to intravenous access to deliver antibiotics, liquid medication or critical emerging situations," he said. And if you need surgery, he added, the increase in the fat around the head and neck, it is difficult intubate (inserting a tube into the airway to help breathing).

4. your reproductive system will be healthier
Everyone knows that when you look and to feel better, you'll have a life sexual saucier. But carrying around that extra fat can lead to changes in hormone levels that may impair fertility and the ability to carry a fetus to full term, also, said Michael Nusbaum, MD, Medical Director of New Jersey obesity treatment centers. "Fat can increase the levels of estrogen in men and women," he said. "This may lead to changes in ovulation but also low sperm and low sperm motility." And, according to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, there is evidence that obesity increases the risk of complications of pregnancy such as gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia and even a miscarriage.

5. your brain will stay sharper
Recent research shows that middle-aged obese individuals may experience a more rapid decline of cognitive abilities, such as thinking and memory. While it is not clear exactly how excess weight is associated with cognitive decline, scientists think that maybe cardiovascular problems occurring as a result of obesity also can affect the vessels of the brain.

You are looking for a new action plan to throw this weight once and for all? Whatever you do, do not turn to fad diets that may cause you to lose weight very quickly. When you lose weight quickly, you lose muscle, but also fat. This can actually cause health problems, said Steven Masley, MD, President of the health centre Optimal Masley and author of the book to be published 30 days heart Tune Up: breakthrough Medical Plan to prevent and reverse heart disease. "Abnormal weight loss can actually aggravate blood pressure, cholesterol and cardiovascular risk," he added.

A regime of mania that went wrong was 'The last Chance diet,' created by Dr. Roger Linn, who published a book of the same name in 1976. One of the first liquid protein diets, the last Chance diet consisted of drinking Prolinn, a drink of poor quality protein derived from clogs and mask of animals from the slaughterhouse. Unfortunately, some 60 dead sudden occurred as a result of this scheme, considered as due to an abnormal heart rhythm caused by the contraction of the heart muscle and electrolyte imbalances.

Most health experts believe that the key to losing weight safely departed it slowly (1 to 2 pounds per week), which preserves the mass lean muscle while losing fat mass. Better yet, said Mr. Masley, actually gaining muscle mass while losing body fat - something that can be accomplished with a combination of healthy eating and increased physical activity.

Looking for tools to help you in your weight loss efforts? Look no further your iPhone or Android phone to find a few great apps to help you reduce. Here are three to try:

Noom weight loss coach - if all your munching has packed on the pounds, you can help to remove them with the free application, Noom weight loss coach. More than a tracker in calories and exercise, this interactive application provides health coaching through support, encouragement and daily activities. A real plus is the integrated pedometer, which account your not all day without draining your battery dry.

Power Point of weight loss - Think a healthy diet means subsisting on only salads? Think again. This free app features a large collection of weight loss diet plans that can accommodate your interests and needs, such as vegetarian or low-carb. Complete with the purchase of lists and recipes for each plan, as well as a tracker of weight, BMI calculator, and reminder of the meal, but the conjecture of weight loss.

Scientist Workout Minute 7 - no time to exercise? Thanks to this application of scientifically formulated high intensity circuit training, you can reduce the amount of time you need to get an intense workout without necessary equipment other than to a Chair. It is a simple program, but you can always define how long you want to take a break between exercises, forward and backward to select favorite exercises and see your progress on a progress bar. Scientist 7 Minute workout is a free application, but you can upgrade to the Pro version (for a fee) to hear the voice commands, rather than having to look at your phone. MS. & F




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