Most of us are aware that a nutritious diet and regular physical activity are the cornerstones of a healthy life. But a third part of a lifestyle of wellness that is often overlooked - or downright ignored - sleep. A recent National Sleep Foundation poll found that a good 30 percent of Americans sleep less than 6 hours of night, rather than 7 to 9 hours most of the experts say we need - which has steadily decreased in direct correlation with our transformation to a company in 24 hours on average. "Our culture contributes to the epidemic of insomnia," said Terry Cralle, RN, MS, Certified Educator of clinical sleep in Washington "perhaps we poorly understand the physiological need of sleep as laziness. We felt that it was a luxury and not a necessity. Us brag about getting little sleep - or at least try, "she added.
Although there are many theories concerning the function of sleep, there's no definitive answer as to what exact purpose it serves. However, experts agree that sleep is necessary for life and benefits of many body systems. Here are some reasons that you should aim for the obtaining of sufficient zzz:

1. you will have fewer infections, said Georges Vigouroux, MD, Director of the comprehensive sleep disorders at the Methodist Hospital in Houston and Assistant Professor at Weill Cornell Medical College. "Sleep contributes to the repair of tissues and strengthens our immune system," she says. "If you're sleep-deprived, your immune system doesn't work to the optimum level.

2. your athletic performance will improve, said Cralle. Stanford clinical sleep disorders studies and the research laboratory at the University of Stanford, she explained, have examined the effect of sleep on athletic performance in a variety of sports like swimming, football, basketball and golf. What was found? "Extra sleep over a long period of time improves alertness and athletic performance," she said.

3. your heart will be healthier. Research shows that lack of sleep can raise blood pressure and increase levels of C - reactive protein, a marker of cardiovascular risk. "There are many data that sleep deprivation may contribute to cardiovascular disease, such as heart attacks and strokes," said Dr. Verma.

4. you will be less likely to take weight, said Robert Rosenberg, certified Arizona sleep medicine specialist. "The construction of the debt of sleep less than 6 hours a night, for a few days, produced excessive appetite stimulating hormone ghrelin and less amounts of appetite suppressing hormone leptin," he said. "It is surprising that, while the duration of sleep dropped significantly since 1980, the incidence of obesity has doubled during that same period of time?"

5. you can get less headaches, according to the American Headache Society. Those who have problems of sleep as insomnia, including difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, or of poor quality "non-" sleep, report increased frequency and severity of headache. And lack of sleep can even trigger migraine headaches in those who suffer from this condition.

6. your memory can be sharper, said Dr. Verma. Sleep, in particular the deepest levels of sleep, she explained, if poster to help the consolidation of memory, which is the process of manufacture of accessible memories by creating some sort of a map or an index to the brain, memory retrieval is possible if necessary.

7. you will be more enjoyable. You probably remember a time when sleep a bad night of a led an angry or the feeling of being overwhelmed. Research, as a recent study by the University of Pennsylvania has shown that even one night of poor sleep (approximately 4.5 hours total) left subjects feel stressed, angry, sad, or mentally exhausted. Once sufficient sleep took over, explain researchers, subjects showed a dramatic improvement in mood.

8. you are less likely to suffer an accident or injury. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, loss of sleep and poor quality sleep can slow down the time of reaction as impaired driving and fatigue contributes to up to 100,000 automobile accidents every year, especially in the ages of 25 and younger. Sleepiness is also a contributing factor in work accidents and injuries.

9. you will be more concentrated. Given the difficulty concentrating at work or school after sleep a bad night from? Sleep deprivation often leaves us feeling fuzzy, said Cralle. "It seems that several important maintenance functions take place during sleep, such as the removal of mental debris that has accumulated during the day," she says.

10. your sex life will be beneficial. If you have lost this sense of love, it may be because the hormone testosterone, an important part of the libido in men and women, decreases with sleep deprivation. According to researchers at the University of Chicago, those who sleep less than five hours every evening for a period of one week or more, with lower levels of testosterone than those who sleep enough.

Sleep experts agree that there are some tricks that will improve chances of getting a better quantity and quality of sleep during the night. If you have tried all these and you are still experiencing trouble sleeping for more than a few weeks, you can consult a sleep specialist.

Establish a bedtime routine. We all know the advantage of a children's bedtime routine,"said Terry Cralle, RN, MS, Certified Educator of clinical sleep in Washington"adults need them, too. It is important to relax before bedtime. Before sleep or bedtime routines, rituals are very useful for the transition from wake to sleep". Early bedtime routines may be a hot bath, a snack, or an interesting book. Avoid documents for school or your job, because they can be too stimulating. And disable the electronics - including telephone, television and computer - at least two hours before sunset, so your brain can stop, too.

Your sleep cycle constantly throughout the week, including weekends, Robert Rosenberg, a certified Arizona sleep medicine specialist has recommended. Go to bed at the same time every night - waking up at the same time regulates your body clock and - can help you to sleep and stay asleep.

Nix Pan if you're prone to insomnia, advises the National Sleep Foundation. Although a NAP can help you get through the day, it can also interfere with your ability to sleep at night.

Use light to your advantage, said Dr. Rosenberg. Your body produces the hormone melatonin, a process which regulates the cycle sleep by increasing production in the dark to sleep and decreases in bright light to keep you awake. Keeping your dark room the evening before sleep and expose yourself to bright light in the morning, your melatonin production will be conducive to a good cycle sleep.

Cut out caffeine and nicotine, advises Dr. Rosenberg, especially after 19 these substances act as stimulants and can keep you awake. Sleep experts also suggest avoiding alcohol late in the evening (at least 2 hours before sunset), too. While alcohol is sedative and can help you fall asleep, it can interfere with the phases of deep sleep, resulting in poor quality sleep.

While it is important to seek a sleep specialist for prolonged or severe sleep problems, a softer problem with sleep may be related to how you configure your bedroom, said Jennifer Adams, sleep ecologist and author of rooms that inspire. Adams, who develops systems sleep for hotels and homes, said that the first order of the day is to look at the colors and patterns. "You want to avoid stimulants of patterns and colors in bedding, curtains, walls and works of art," she says. "Avoid primary like red, cobalt blue and emerald green color and stick with soothing colors such as ivory clear, Sage, lavender and quiet - and soft textures."

A comfortable mattress is crucial, she added and must be replaced regularly (many sleep experts suggest all 7-8 yrs). And if you have a mattress which seems to hold in heat and keep you awake, find some technologies gel cooling available in covers for mattresses and pillows to get some relief.

Window treatments need to control for light and noise. «A lining fabric does a better job to reduce the noise of plastic or wood,» said Adams.

One of the most important aspects of a framework peaceful sleep, she continued, is to reduce clutter. "Clutter is too challenging in your bedroom, and it can make you feel guilty," she advised. "The Board is not a place to store things or things accumulate. Even if it does not you feel guilty or overstimulated, you'll be breathing all this dust. »

The final step? An ideal temperature of sleep, said Adams, (which is 60-67 degrees Fahrenheit), no electronics (TV, mobile phones, iPads) - and a few strips of meditation or soothing music.

SLEEP ON IT - by Karen Morse, MPH
According to a 2002 survey conducted by the National Sleep Foundation, a whopping 74 percent of American adults meet a problem of sleep at least a few nights a week.
Sleep a good night is also important for our body as food and water. Adequate sleep maintains the level of failure stress, improves mood, improves athletic performance and increases alertness. Prolonged sleep deprivation can lead to depression, weight gain and even increase the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart problems.
In plus a small nest for catching zzz and avoiding traps as caffeine too close to the time of sunset, try one of these four supplements of natural sleep that will have you drifting in no time.

Probably the best-known sleep supplement, melatonin is a hormone secreted in our brain that helps control the sleep/wake cycle. When everything is synchronized, rate of melatonin increase in the evening, remains high during the night and then begins to drop in hours early in the morning.

Lifestyle factors can disrupt our normal program like executioners back-to-back and travel across time zones. Research suggests that levels of melatonin also begins to decline with age.

Melatonin supplements are available in a variety of preparations, including regular tablets and time released. The Cleveland Clinic recommends up to a dose of 5 mg to treat insomnia. Try melatonin tablets to release Max Nutraceuticals (3 mg).

Sacred Basil
Also known as Hindu Tulsi Holy Basil has been used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat respiratory problems, headaches and other ailments. Sacred Basil is classified as an adaptogen, a natural substance that protects the body against various forms of stress.

A study comparing three remedies herbal anti-stress found sacred Basil to be more effective and safer than the other two which have been studied.

Sacred Basil is available in the form of tea, capsules and liquid extracts. Try the India organic Tulsi tea, peppermint flavour.

Chamomile is one of the most popular ingredients of herbal tea in the world. It is a flowering herb that has been used for centuries to promote relaxation and sleep aid. A study published in 2011 has found that chamomile extract provided modest benefits to patients suffering from chronic insomnia compared with those who received a placebo.

Available in capsules, liquid extract and a the. Try Traditional Medicinals organic Chamomile with Lavender tea.

Another option is to Valerian, made from the root of the grass and known to promote relaxation and support a restful sleep. While some studies have shown sleep quality improved in patients who have used Valerian, others were inconclusive. If to relax after a hectic day is your problem, this herb is a must - try. Long term sleep disorders, however, Valerian is probably not your best bet. Medium 530 mg root Valerian try nature capsules. Find near you: NaturesWay.com MS & F




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