Take a three-minute shower

Take a three-minute shower

Take a three-minute shower



Start the timer. Timing your shower will help you reduce your routine and to ensure that you've found all done in three minutes. Use a regular kitchen timer, setting it to ring after three minutes, or at intervals of one minute for the duration of three minutes.


Turn on the shower to a lukewarm temperature. Avoid temperatures too hot or cold, as you will waste time dodging in and out of the water spray.


Rinse your entire body from head to toe in the water for a minute or less. Wet them enough to apply the shampoo. If you do not use enough water, it will turn the hour when it comes out the SOAP.


Squeeze a dollop of size quarter a shampoo 2 in 1 gentle in your palms to keep your hair clean and moisturized. Rub the shampoo on your hands, washing them that prepare you the SOAP for your head. Massage the shampoo your hair for 15 seconds, concentrating on the scalp.


Hold under running water and rinse the shampoo. Close your eyes and let the shampoo to travel down your body, transforming it into a SOAP hair and body of dual task. If you need to quickly add more directly from the bottle of shampoo to cleanse your whole body, take a second to do so. Use clean sponge bath to cleanse your body until the end of the second minute, then rinse for the last three minutes.


Shut off water supplies. Get out of the shower and towel to complete your minimalist hygiene routine.



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