Angle your eyebrows

Angle your eyebrows

Angle your eyebrows

The main front
The main part of your eyebrow is the horizontal portion along the brow. Ideally, it should be 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch thick and can be straight, sloped or arched - the choice is yours. Use an eyebrow brush the bristles of your eyebrows upward. Hold a chopstick standing beside the nostril. Draw a light, ¼ inch inch vertical line with a pencil eyebrows on the side of the front of the stick. Repeat for the other side. Ensure that the lines are equal distance above your nose.

The Ark

The Ark is the culmination of the brow and point above the outer edge of your iris and lie on your brow. Make two points with an eyebrow pencil at this stage - one on the bottom of the front and the other at the top. Lightly draw a line from the bottom of the vertical line of your nose to the bottom point of arch. Repeat for the top of his forehead.

The tail

The tail is tapered end, angle of your eyebrow that starts to the Ark and comes to a point on the outer edge of the eye. Place a chopstick standing beside the nostril and rotate it so that it reaches the corner of the eye. Make a point with a pencil eyebrow where chopsticks crosses the end of your forehead. The front should not be pleased by this point. Use a pencil for eyes to connect the top and bottom arch points at the end of the eyebrow. This creates the tail of your forehead.


Hold an ice cube on the skin before epilating. It acts as a numbing agent and reduces the sting of hair removal. Epilate hairs that are outside your eyebrow contour. Use brow powder or pencil eyebrows slightly fill bare spots in the big front lines. If you choose an eyebrow pencil, light and feathery strokes to simulate the individual hairs. Use Front setting gel to attach the hair in place and attach pencil eyebrows or powder.



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