Uses of news for green tea oil

Uses of news for green tea oil

Uses of news for green tea oil

The green tea plant
The leaves of the plant of green tea - called Camellia oleifera - are immersed in hot water to make tea. Seeds of the flowers are pressed to make an essential oil. The oil produced can be called Camellia oil white flower, tea, camellia oil or tea seed oil. Not to be confused with tea tree oil. Buy the oil at the apothecaries and cosmetic companies specialized.

Health benefits

The benefits of green tea, such as a reduction in the risk of several cancers, derived from the high content of flavonoids, Plant Health Watch female Harvard. Green tea is an excellent source of antioxidants and catechins, which are more powerful than vitamins C and E. These catechins have properties to combat the disease and can stop the damage to cells.


Green tea oil is sometimes used in Chinese cuisine and is perfectly safe to eat. However, it is most often used in cosmetics and skin care products. Manufacturers may add oil tea to soaps, lotions or hair products. It can also be applied on the nails as a cuticle softener and keep the nails shiny and healthy. A few drops can reduce the appearance of acne scars, wrinkles and stains of aging. A 2006 study in the Journal of agricultural and Food Chemistry found that oil of green tea can also be used as a defense to prevent free radicals, such as cancer or diabetes-related diseases.

Moisturizing effects

Green tea oil, when applied topically, is best known for its moisturizing effects. Unlike other essential oils, it does not leave the skin or the sensation of greasy hair because of its quick absorption rate. The oil does not block the pores, and its anti-bacterial properties can actually help prevent infections and acne. Apply a few drops of oil to your shampoo or rub your skin to trap moisture.



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