Sunscreen Guide

Sunscreen Guide

Sunscreen Guide

All UV radiation
Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is one of the main culprits when it comes to skin cancer. This form of solar radiation has a long wavelength, so can penetrate deeply into the skin. The rays that impact most on the skin are UVA and UVB RAYS, which are not absorbed by the ozone layer. Overexposure may cause a change in the texture of the skin, Burns, premature aging and cancer. as shown in the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Web site. To inform the public, the National Weather Service and EPA have developed index UV - a scale of 1 to 15 this exposure levels rate.

Understanding your skin Type

Regardless of your skin tone or ethnicity, you might benefit from protection against the Sun. And the food and pharmaceuticals (FDA) has developed a system to clarify your skin type, which could help you find the best defense against harmful rays. It uses a scale of 1 to 6 to determine the speed at which people make. People with pale skin - such as Nordic, Celtic or Rufous - tend to burn faster and therefore cannot fall on the lower end of the spectrum (type 1 or 2). Olive, Mediterranean and Asian skin is usually classified as type 3 or 4, while darker skin people come to finalize the type 5 and 6 categories.

Decoding SPFS

Do not know what the figures of the FPS on the bottle of lotion of Sun mean? The Sun Protection factor (SPF) varies from 10 to 85 and specifies the time, you can extend your exposure to the Sun, without the risk of burning. For example: if it normally takes 20 minutes for you to glow in the Sun, apply a sufficient layer of SPF 10 means that it should take you 10 times the amount of time for you to burn (about 3 hours 20 minutes).
But keep in mind that dermatologists suggest that you apply cream 1/2 hour before going outside and you must reapply the lotion every two hours if you sweat or water - as mentioned in the article "Confused by SPF? Take a number. »

Sun Productions

Sun lotions are available in many forms to accommodate your lifestyle. For everyday wear, it has infused sun cream, moisturizers that can be worn under your makeup. Some cosmetic manufacturers also produce a stick SPF Foundation, which may override your normal Foundation. If you want a complete coverage of the body, there are the traditional moisturizing creams and refreshing for the body. A number of these products have a cooling effect, which can help to rejuvenate the skin under the hot summer sun. Also, discover body sprays that can be applied to wet the skin if you participate in sports.



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