Out really bad knots

Out really bad knots

Out really bad knots



Apply a light layer of leave-in conditioner to your entire hair. Work through your hair with a wide-tooth comb. Once you hit the nodes, their off section and fasten with a clip plastic. If necessary, apply a slight coat of leave-in conditioner for the tiny knots and tangles. Continue until all that remains are severe tangles.


Remove the clip from the severely knotted section and work in with your fingers. This method is less painful than using a comb and help to begin to separate the node. Moisten and apply a thin layer of conditioner standard capillary or the olive oil for the node.


Pinch the knotted close to the scalp with one hand while you work in a comb with wide-tooth. Work your way slowly through the node. If necessary, apply additional or olive oil. Now the section knotted close to the scalp helps relieve some of the pain and the conditioner or oil provides lubrication.


Pass a comb medium-sized toothbrush and continue to work through the tangle. Once the node is removed, rinse the olive oil or conditioner hair. If olive oil rinse, shampoo your hair. Squeeze the water from the section and the brush in your hair with the wide-tooth comb.



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