Make your own clay wrap

Make your own clay wrap

Make your own clay wrap



Prepare your ingredients in the clay wrap. For each cup of sea salt, you need 4 cups of bentonite clay, 8 tbsp of olive oil and 8 cups water. Some recipes contain olive oil, but olive oil can be useful in the clay wrap, as olive oil helps reduce the sensation of tingling users feel when the Earth begins to dry.


Pour the 8 cups of water and a cup of sea salt in large pot and bring to a boil. Do not cover. Stir until complete dissolution of salt. After the sea salt and the water reaches a full boil, reduce heat to medium.


Add bentonite clay and olive oil, stirring constantly over medium heat. Add clay gradually, stirring so that lumps do not form. Add more water gradually to the mixture until you get the consistency of a paste. In general, you need up to a cup of water, but if your mixture is too hard, add water until it is a paste spreads. Remove the Pan from the cooking plate once you get a paste.


Allow the clay paste to cool for 20 minutes. Dip a finger into the dough to check if the temperature is a little warmer than the room temperature, as clay should be hot when applied on the skin. If the temperature is unbearably hot, cool clay for 10 minutes so that it will not burn your skin.


Take a hot shower before applying the film. Hot water opens the pores, so the clay wrap will be more effective when it is applied to your skin.


Massage your skin, making a circular motion with the Palm of the clay. Cover your body with a small towel or a large sheet. Press the towel or sheet to your body. As an alternative, soak towels in the clay paste and wrap them around your body, starting with the feet and finishing with your hands. Buy plastic sheets to protect your bedding and lay on these sheets while applying the wrap to the clay.


Keep the envelopes 30 to 60 minutes. Immediately after applying the envelopes, you will feel the warmth of the clay paste, relax your muscles and you could sweat. As the clay begins to dry, your skin may feel itchy. Don't worry, this is normal.


Cleanse your body of all traces of clay after removing the film. Clean carefully and take a hot shower or a bath, if you feel cold.


Apply a moisturizing lotion to the skin after the shower to hydrate and soften your skin.



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