Make Spa mud

Make Spa mud

Make Spa mud



Fill bathtubs of standard size with water as hot as you can bear. You will need to ensure there's enough room to add the other ingredients. You can use your bathroom tub, but keep in mind that mud can clog the pipes. Another option is to use a portable metal bathtub without a tap or a plastic.

Make Spa mud

Put a drain on the drain screen in your bathroom tub, if necessary. This will keep the dirt can accumulate in the pipe and clogging them.


Pour clay into the water. Mix the clay in hot water with your hand.


Empty the volcanic ash in the water and stir the bath water a few times with your hand. Put enough ash in your water and continue mixing until you get the thickness you want for your bathroom. The amount of used ash depends on how much thickness, you want the mud.


Add a few drops of essential oil such as Lavender or Rosemary to flavor bath. This will distract you from the smell of the "dirt" in the mixture.

Make Spa mud

Soak in the bath for about an hour and a half. This duration will help you achieve the effect desired for your skin, until the water cools.



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