What we do for beauty. Since the beginning of time, women have made great efforts to hydrate, exfoliate, condition and rejuvenate their skin and hair in an effort to look their best. In ancient times, natural remedies were sometimes little advisable, such that soak hair in urine from camels to make it soft and shiny, or rubbing crushed bugs on the lips to make them wet and pleasantly red. Cleopatra, it is said, used a paste of dung crocodile and donkey's milk to keep her lovely skin.

If natural beauty that precedes the use of leave will leave you just a very little bit woozy, don't worry. There are many others to try are not quite as boring, won't cost you triple figures of high spa treatment range or visit online at Sephora - and are very effective. And you need to go no further than your kitchen to find the ingredients.
The advantage of using kitchen ingredients? It is simple, said Alexandra Catalano, certified coach health and founder of eat cute, a company that focuses on holistic nutrition and wellness. "What happens to give you all the minerals, vitamins and enzymes of a cucumber? A real cucumber, "explains. "These foods were served in thousands of years to heal and nourish our body."
Return to what is natural and organic is not only one of the best ways to give your body what needs it, said Alexandra, but "When you do these remedies at home, you know exactly what you put into it."
This is particularly important when you realize that the long list of ingredients on the back of your favorite eye lab-concocted cream cucumber often includes chemicals that research proves to be carcinogenic, toxic to the reproductive system and disruptive hormones - not to mention some that are harmful to wildlife and flora.

Although there are dozens of wonderful Cabinet cosmetics, here are five that deserve to be supply:

With enzymes of lactose with probiotics, the yogurt is the workhorse of multi-duty of your beauty regime. It deep cleans and moisturizes the skin, helps prevent premature aging and relieve acne, skin discoloration and sunburn.

How to use: for best results, use the organic yogurt cold, clear, rich in fat. Greek style has the finest texture. Use directly from the bath to cleanse and tone your skin by applying, which allows it to set for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Or try this yogurt of Andrew Ordon, MD, FACS cuticle treatment, co-host of The Doctors.

Treatment of the cuticles yoghurt/citrus
A grapefruit
Vitamin E or olive oil
full of fat, 1 cup of yogurt
1 teaspoon cinnamon

Directions: Place yogurt in the freezer to make it nice and chilled. Then cut grapefruit in half horizontally so that its triangle sections are exposed; Remove all seeds. Apply a drop of vitamin E or olive oil to each cuticle. Then immerse your nails in the flesh of the grapefruit, a finger by section, for two or three minutes.
Rinse your hands full of grapefruit juice. Cover an index with a small cloth and use light pressure to push the small sections of the cuticle on each finger of the hand. Repeat with the other hand.

Place nails in the yoghurt for five to ten minutes, then sprinkle with a teaspoon of cinnamon. Rinse your hands with warm water.

With its natural acidity, lemon is a natural astringent, which makes it a cleaner for the excellent skin and toner. Also, he worked on the discoloration of the skin and adds shine to the hair.

How to use: because of its acidity, lemon juice should always be diluted. Use 2 tablespoons in 2 cups water fresh lemon juice as anti-dandruff treatment or diluted lemon 1/4 cup juice in 3/4 cup of water and apply to hair, sitting in the Sun for 20 minutes, then rinse, for a natural highlighter. For "on-site" acne treatment, try this recipe from Dr. Ordon:

Easy care acne treatment
Brewer's yeast
A drizzle of lemon juice

Directions: Make a paste with a bit of yeast, lemon juice and a few drops of water. Apply on the affected area and let dry for 10 minutes. Cover with a bandage.

Unless you are allergic to it, honey is one of the most effective foods to add to your beauty routine. A natural moisturizer and anti-inflammatory, it contains antioxidants and minerals to feed even the
most sensitive skins.

How to use: honey can be used directly from the bottle (buy 100 percent only honey as honey products may contain glucose fructose syrup). Add 1/4 cup to your bath water to hydrate your skin, or apply on your face, let dry and rinse. Or expand a bit by adding other ingredients. A try is Dr. Ordon, who is also a surgeon plastic and reconstructive surgery, "It was the TV show doctors who in"do me it yourself"home beauty skin care," said Dr. Ordon. "We of beauticians albums with their tips show."

Lawyer/honey moisturizer (for wrinkles)
3 tablespoons sour cream
¼ lawyer
1 tablespoon honey

Directions: Place all ingredients in a blender and puree in a cream smooth. Make a request for the skin and let it stay on for at least an hour. Rinse with warm water.

Whole grain Oatmeal is not only one of the healthiest breakfast foods, it is, but when it is used outdoors, it can help to exfoliate, soften and soothe the skin. It relieves minor irritations such as itching and sunburn and can actually help heal acne.

How to use: use rolled oats rather than instant or quick-cooking oatmeal. Oatmeal breakfast cooked and cooled can be applied on the face as an acne treatment. Simply type in the affected areas, wait 10 minutes and rinse. You can also try this recipe of mask of Oatmeal Honey Ole Henriksen, founder of OLEHENRIKSEN beauty products, which are available at Sephora and Spa face/body OLEHENRIKSEN on Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles.

OLE honey DIY mask of oatmeal
1 teaspoon of yoghurt
2 teaspoons honey
1 teaspoon finely ground oatmeal
1 capsule of vitamin A
1 capsule of vitamin E
5 drops of lavender essential oil

Route: Create a batter with the aforementioned ingredients. Apply on clean skin. Let stand 20-30 minutes and rinse. Best used once a week to soothe, purify and nourish the skin.

Naturally antibacterial and antifungal, coconut oil is an excellent moisturizer. It is a perfect hair conditioner, too, as it penetrates the hair better than other oils. And it smells heavenly!

How to use: it is preferable to use raw, organic coconut oil, Virgin. Use directly from the pot to a hydrating hand or as shaving cream. Or apply a dollop of quarter at hair, cover with a shower CAP and leave it overnight, shampoo out the morning. For a delicious scrub, try this recipe for Alexandry Catalano:

Sugar Plum cute body scrub
1 tbsp of coconut oil
2 tablespoons raw brown sugar

Directions: Mix the ingredients in a bowl and apply to the skin in a gentle circular motion for two minutes. Rinse and pat dry. MS. & F




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