Disadvantages of tanning
Brown spots
Also known as hyperpigmentation or lentigines, brown spots can appear at any age - not just in old age - and are the result of sun damage. It may take years so that they appear. Uneven discoloration on the skin may also occur, leaving the skin something irregular and less bright. Brown spots do not fade themselves. Some laser treatments can help to remove, but this can be expensive and several treatments may be necessary.
Collagen and elastin are the constituent elements of a beautiful and young skin. As we grow older, our bodies produce less of these elements of two skin. Tanning beds and exposure to the Sun in the open air to accelerate the aging process and and break down collagen. With the collapse of the collagen, wrinkles and form wrinkles on the skin smooth and plump. With this also comes loss of firmness of the skin and possibly, sagging skin.
Other unsightly skin problems
Too much sun on your face can invite red veins pop up, called capillaries broken on your cheeks, nose and ears. Aside from brown spots, which often occur on the face, hands, arms and chest, white macules may also appear. They often appear on the arms and legs and have a very fuzzy.
Skin tumors
The most serious side effect of sun damage and tanning, skin tumors can be cancerous or cancer. Seborrheic Keratosis is non-cancerous, but it can often be confused with a cancerous skin lesion. It can vary in shades of brown or black and is waxy in appearance. Actinic Keratoses, other non-cancerous tumor of the skin, has a rough, white or pink appearance and often on the face. Cancerous tumors of the skin usually appear in places that get the most exposure to the Sun, such as the face and chest. A Mole with an irregular shape or border may be cancerous. Moles that change over time may also be cancer.
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