Color to rinses semi-permanent vs

Color to rinses semi-permanent vs

Color to rinses semi-permanent vs

Rinse the Pros
Rinses are a form of temporary hair color that "flush" with your next shampoo. They are frequently used to cover gray hair or pump up your existing hair color. Rinses wash after a single shampoo because they are sitting outside the cuticle of the hair, which only adds color to the surface. Rinses are perfect for those who want the color of the hair, but do not want to commit fully to it. In addition to color rinse hair, products can be found also in the form of foam color, mascara, hair Spray color and tinted color shampoos and conditioners.

Semi-permanent pros

Semi-permanent coloring, this is exactly what its name implies - it lasts for a certain period of time before it fades gradually. Six to eight weeks is usually the time needed for the semi-permanent hair color wash, which means that you do not color as frequently as if you applied a rinse. Semi-permanent coloring also covers gray hair and can also be applied directly from the bottle, applying home very easy and effective. The semi-permanent hair color option also adds richness to your natural hair color.

Rinse the Cons

Simply put, a rinse does not last. Frequent maintenance to retouch the color after each shampoo can be a timely and costly option, when applying something that lasts longer long turns out to be more efficient. In addition, hair color rinses may not take you to a darker shade more light to the therefore the possibilities of what you can do with this type of hair color are limited. Colour of hair rinses are best suited for touch-ups of last minute or something you want to try for a few days and leave behind.

Semi-permanent cons

While it does not last more than a rinse of hair color, semi-permanent hair colour has its own problems that he can at least make an ideal choice for your hair color needs. If you try to use a semi-permanent hair color to cover gray hair, your hair must be less than 25 percent of grey or will not take the color. It can be used to add highlights to your hair or provide dull braids with necessary glow, but if you are looking for semi-permanent colors lighten your hair everywhere, it is just not capable. It is formulated to remove the color on the hair only and not the cuticle.



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