Can I permanently remove hair back

Can I permanently remove hair back

Can I permanently remove hair back



Interview laser hair removal doctors through planned consultations. Be comfortable with the doctor and make sure that it is certified in dermatology or plastic surgery and laser hair removal experience. Take the time to ask as many questions as necessary to feel comfortable with the doctor and the procedure. The time for consultation will also serve to review your medical history, discuss the risks of the procedure, a plan of treatment and take pictures before and after comparisons.


Keep your shirt before the appointment. Your back is unable to receive any sunlight before the procedure. Do not shave or wax back.


Clear your calendar. Remove hair back takes up to several hours because each individual hair follicle must be damaged, so do not plans to work or to run errands after the procedure.


Prepare for the possibility of multiple sessions, depending on the amount of follicles of hair on the back. Some cases of hair laser removal saw the regrowth of hair, so be prepared to repeat the operation in a few years, where you are one of those rare cases.



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