101 hair extensions
How many times have you seen Stars go from a cute bob to long, luscious locks virtually from one day to the next day and wished that you can do it too? Well, with hair extensions - songs added to your natural hair to improve the length, volume, density, or same color, you can transform your look with the snap of a finger, said Brandon Wagner, stylist at the Salon of Tribeca in Tampa, Florida. Do not know where to start? Follow this handy guide on all things hair extensions to learn everything you need to know to choose good extensions and their maintenance to create a celeb-worthy look.
Wading in your Options.
For many ladies - which natural hair is simply not able to be as thick and long as they wish - extensions are the only way they can achieve with realism the locks they have always dreamed of, like the ones seen here on singer Jessica Simpson. But as says Wagner, extensions can be used for more than just the hair towards the down-to-there, and they come in several styles and materials. "They can be temporary - just worn for an evening, as clip-ins - or more permanent, adhesives, sewing, weaving or other fastening systems," he said. He adds that, for extensions of the highest quality, it is best to go with extensions made of human hair, but other materials, such as synthetic hair, Mane horse or yak hair can be substituted."

Application of hair Extensions
Just as not all types of material of the extension are the same, there are also different ways to apply. For clip-ins, the process is simple: just attach them under your hair, so that the highest on your Crown of hair camouflages the clips. For permanent extensions - as the ones reality TV star Kim Kardashian rocks here - most common application methods include binding (using glue binding to attach a piece of hair to the root of the hair), weaving (sewing the extensions in near the scalp) and the merger of bit by bit (using glue sticks heated to stick the hair directly to your own hair).

Choosing the right Type
Simply because you want long locks like star of reality TV Lauren does not mean that hair extensions are good for you. Wagner said women should first examine why they need, that can help to make the decision between extensions clips or permanent. "If you just want more glamorous look or achieve a hairstyle that your current length can not provide, just get a 'fall' or clip-in extension," suggests Wagner, adding that the clip-ins are simple to apply and remove. "If simply, you have poor quality hair and length you can not achieve on your own, then a more permanent system, as an adhesive or micro-anneaux are the best choice."

Looking at the pros and cons
It is essential to examine the pros and cons of hair extensions. "Permanent extensions are very much maintenance, the type of shampoo and conditioner do you use for your daily care and handling and layout folds can be difficult, too," Wagner warns. In addition, they can be a huge expense for women every day. "Can you afford up to $1,000 every three months to maintain this look? ', he said. To ensure that the extensions are right for you, Wagner said beginner should always go for clip-ins everything first. Unless you wear your hair down and style every day, as the singer Carrie Underwood, Wagner said that he has no need for permanent extensions. "If you wear your hair in a ponytail every day at work, why would you put stress on your hair? ''

Deal with the Permanent Extensions
Not only can waste improperly maintained extensions much money, they can also damage your natural hair. Wagner said permanent extensions, in particular systems glue-based, require special shampoos, conditioners and brushes, adding that women should always ask their stylists for maintenance advice necessary to keep healthy and beautiful, extensions like singer Katy Perry. "If you do not follow the instructions given by your stylist, hair may fear, or worse, tear off your own hair", he warns.

Maintenance of Clip-Ins
Well, clip-in extensions often less cost and low-maintenance than permanent extensions, they still need care appropriate to look like actress AnnaLynne McCord. To prevent tangles, keep clip-ins into a separate container, bag or a box instead of throwing them in the drawer of your beauty. If tangles occur in any case, opt for a wide-tooth comb brush lightly nodes, starting at the bottom and work your way up. For human hair extensions, wash once a week with mild shampoo and conditioner, lightly press the moisture with a towel and then air dry.

Extending the life of your Extensions
Since the extensions, like those seen here on the singer Rihanna, can be a significant investment of time and money, many women want to get wear most of them as possible. When properly supported, said Wagner permanent extensions should last three months at a time without maintenance of salon. However, some extensions - like microrings, which thread the hair through small, metal bottles that clip to your natural hair - can even modified for up to six months, with only a touch up in the living room.

Preserve the health of the Extensions
Maintaining a beautiful and healthy - extensions like the ones singer Jennifer Hudson is showing off here - also requires proper brushing and styling. Wagner suggests using a brush of loop, which is designed to untangle without pulling hair and says keep the hair at the base to avoid loosening of the attachment. Make sure you brush your hair before bed and tie into a ponytail on top of your head, he said. "Sleep on a satin pillow case so the bars and prevents the nodes," Wagner added. He also warns that shine silicone-based products should be avoided, as they can ruin the adhesive and shorten the life of the extensions.

Limit heat
Because hair - especially those who are permanent - extensions are sensitive to the intense heat of the tools, it is important to limit the amount and intensity of the heat expose you their. To dry, "Put in folds roots to tips of the hair with your hands, drying dry, almost 90%" Wagner advises. "Then use a paddle brush or a large round brush to finish the ends." Also, use a heat protector spray before drying, curling or straightening the hair to avoid breakage and achieve healthy hair, as a singer and actress Christina Milian.

Styling your Extensions
You've probably seen the celebrity after celebrity slip on the red carpet with hair extensions, but the extensions should not be reserved only for special occasions. Instead, you can easily integrate them viewing every day. Permanent extensions can be styled as well as the rest of your hair, but it is easier to curl clip-ins before applying. For a discreet but chic - Pony as a star of reality show Paris Hilton rocks here - try clustering and bind together the clip-ins. "Then put the latter inside your own ponytail and attach a second band around the whole pony", said Wagner. For a more elegant look, brush your natural hair in a bun low, asymmetrical. Then, braiding together the extensions and wrap it around your bun to create a knotted bun, secure it with hairpins, suggests Wagner.

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