What are the ways for my complexion

What are the ways for my complexion

What are the ways for my complexion

Washing and handling of base
If this is tempting, avoid touching your face as much as possible. Dirt and sebum, your fingers still irritate the skin and picking out buttons can leave you with scars. When washing your face, place the bar of alkaline SOAP high, corrupting the natural barriers of the epidermis. Use rather an oil-free face wash every day and a product for exfoliation one or two times a week with IMB. Another option is a hand brush of the face with the head of rotating brush, as it works more efficiently, leaving less oil and dirt on the face.

Acne treatments

When the buttons arise, it is best to treat the skin immediately. Products with salicylic acid, an antibacterial that exfoliates dead skin on the outside, cells are ideal for people suffering from acne. However, use with caution or avoid entirely if you have dry or sensitive skin. Glycolic acid helps cell renewal and can help hydration to help keep the balanced acneic skin. It is available in the cleaners face, toners and treatment products. Another option is to apply a product containing benzoyl peroxide, an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory ingredient, to the spot to treat various sectors. Do not use for more than a week at a time and reduce consumption if your skin starts to become too dry. Consult a dermatologist if acne shows signs of diffusion rather than disappear.

Other products

Ensure that the other products you use, such as shampoo and the Foundation are the two oil - and fragrance to avoid any type of accumulation or skin irritation. Moisturize after washing, however opt for a light moisturizing cream if your skin is naturally oily. It is important to apply sunscreen at least half an hour before going outside, regardless if it is summer or winter, to combat premature aging. Sunscreen should have a minimum sun protection factor of 30 and a base of zinc oxide. Hats wide brim also helps to protect the face.

Healthy lifestyle

There are many things that can affect your complexion which are not an immediate connection to your face. Eat a healthy diet containing fruits, vegetables, whole grains and water gives your body and skin the nutrients he needs. Limit excess caffeine, alcohol and cigarettes as the stress on the skin, causing wrinkles and dehydration. Even something as simple as an unclean phone hosts bacteria and is often placed directly on the face; don't forget to wipe your phone and hold it away from the skin. Finally, get plenty of sleep and exercise regularly - sometimes these simple actions make the greatest difference in your appearance.



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