Use potatoes in your beauty Routine
Many people know put the slices of cucumber on the eyes to reduce puffiness and dark circles. The next time you're out of cucumbers, try a few slices of potatoes or sweet potatoes instead. Potatoes are working to brighten dark circles thanks to the catecholase enzyme.
Cut two slices of potato raw, then put one on each eye for 10 to 15 minutes. You can also grate a raw potato, put the shreds in a cheesecloth and press them down on your eyes. After removing the potatoes, flush eyes with lukewarm water.
If you suffer from acne or the occasional bud, try rubbing the juice of potato on your face. Apply the juice every day for best results. Potato juice can also lighten your skin and soothe sunburn.
After having boiled potatoes, fresh water and store it in a spray bottle. Use the liquid potato as an inexpensive facial toner.
Mix sweet potatoes with other natural ingredients to create an effective facial mask. For example, mix 1/2 cup mashed potato boiled with 1 tbsp yogurt and 1 tbsp. of uncooked oats. Rub the Paste on your face for an Exfoliating effect, then rinse with water.
You can also make a moisturizing paste by combining a large sweet potato boiled with 1 tbsp. milk 1 tbsp. honey and 1 tbsp. ginger juice. After washing your face, apply the mask and let it set for 25 minutes, and then rinse it.
If you want to darken your hair, try using a rinse from potato skins. Peel a large potato, and then discard the peelings in a saucepan. Add just enough water to cover the peels. Put the peels to a boil, then strain the liquid out into a separate container. This fluid allows you to rinse your hair after shampooing it instead of ordinary water.
Sweet moisturize your locks. Mix a large sweet potato with 1 tablespoon honey, 1 cup yogurt and 1 tbsp. olive oil. Massage the paste into your hair, then rinse after 20 minutes.
Other uses
Potatoes can help relieve burns and insect bites that bite. Apply a slice of potato on the affected area and leave it for 5 minutes. Reapply as often as you like to the potato.
Potato water is a relaxing foot soak. When you boil potatoes, soak your bare feet in the liquid for 20 minutes. The starchy water may ease the pain of cracked heels. Sweet work too for this.
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