1 Moisten a cotton swab with Witch Hazel. DAB on the area of the upper lip, every day to help heal and soothe razor burns. 2 Apply cream hydrocortisone to razor burn. Follow the instructions on the package when using the cream and apply only once a week to prevent the thinning of the skin. 3 Mix an aspirin with a few tablespoons of warm water to create a thick paste. Spread the paste over the area of the upper lip. Leave it until the dough hardens, and then gently wipe it with a cloth. 4 Moisten a cotton swab with aloe vera juice. DAB the juice on the Shaver and leave to dry on the skin. 5 Dip a cotton swab in the benzoyl peroxide. Pat the area upper lip with the swab to apply the peroxide to razor burn. Razor,cure,on,the,lower,lip,of,the,woman
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