Moisturizer for dry skin old and wrinkled

Moisturizer for dry skin old and wrinkled

Moisturizer for dry skin old and wrinkled

In its basic form, increases in cream moisturizing skin hydration. Creams are oil based, which is a better choice for dry skin from water based lotions. Oils are more effective in trapping water in the skin. Petroleum-based creams may be appropriate if you have extremely dry skin.

Common ingredients

Antioxidants, such as vitamins A, B3 and C, are usually placed in anti-wrinkle creams to help prevent the breakdown of healthy cells. Hydroxy acids remove dead skin cells and are used to help promote the new generation. Some products may include more than one of these ingredients, but the warnings by the Mayo Clinic that it makes them no more effective.


Ingredients anti-aging in moisturizing creams are not regulated in the same way as the medicated creams. Although some of the active ingredients can be powerful, the Food and Drug Administration is not classified in the same group as drugs; Therefore, the Agency does not guarantee the effectiveness of these products. While a specific cream can make some significant differences in the overall texture, the Mayo Clinic notes that your skin will probably go back to the way it was once you stop using a product.

Solar screens

The medical center of the University of Maryland, said sun exposure is the main cause of tasks and premature aging of the skin. UV rays are responsible for the acceleration of the aging process of the skin, that can thin the skin and cause hyperpigmentation. It is one of the important reasons why you should wear sunscreen every day. Even if you already have wrinkles, wear a sunscreen can help prevent multiple lines but also of skin cancer. The Mayo Clinic recommends creams of integrated facial sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or more.


No one reacts face not creams in the same way. Just as you might find a product better than another, certain ingredients may cause reactions. Increase your risk of reactions if a product contains alcohols, perfumes, and acids. The most common side effects include inflammation, Burns, rashes and itching. Discontinue use and call a doctor if conditions worsen.



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