1-whitening toothpastes are designed to be abrasive and remove the top layer of enamel. They remove only the tasks outside the tooth. frequent use of whitening toothpaste may cause the teeth become sensitive to hot and cold.
2- effective whitening gels contain carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide. I recommend carbamide peroxide, because the results last longer. It is also less dehydration to the teeth and can actually help prevent tooth decay. My own formula whitening gel, frosting 30-Carat *, contains a desensitizing special, potassium nitrate and carbamide peroxide.
3- avoid laundering with lasers, lights and high intensity heat. You will get the same results with other methods and avoid the tooth dehydration and increased sensitivity. Whitening gel can be stored in the refrigerator and can remain effective up to two years.
4- when laundering, a custom mounted plate is greater than single tray for all systems. Make sure that the tray is scalloped on your gums and covering towards the top of your gums. This will prevent unpleasant burning caused by the peroxide. To prevent the risk of burning, always immediately remove excess gel that oozes from the tray.
5 - teeth whitening with appropriate methods do not damage the enamel. Most known sensitivity when whitening teeth is caused by dehydration of the tooth. The peroxide gel dehydrates the teeth just as products containing peroxide hair dry hair. In addition, the bleaching tray covers teeth and saliva prevents keep hydrated teeth. I recommend the wearing of whitening trays is more than 90 minutes. The majority of the active ingredient has been exhausted by this point, and more just trays makes it more sensitive teeth. Never carry the day trays overnight. Drink plenty of water after bleach can also re-hydrate your teeth.
6 - following teeth whitening, avoid coffee, berries, red wine, curry, smoking and other elements of tooth staining. Teeth are more porous for the first 24 hours after bleaching and stain easily of these food products. Drink beverages that stain the teeth, like coffee and cola, with a straw to help the teeth stay white longer. If you forget and turn your pink teeth in a glass of red wine, simply re - whiten teeth for 30 to 60 minutes.
7- do not whiten the teeth of the upper and the lower teeth at the same time. This allows you to see how works the whitening system. Whiten teeth in sections reduces any sensitivity, that you may encounter.
8- you can whiten your teeth as often as necessary as long as you do not experience pain or sensitivity. If the teeth become sensitive, it is a warning sign of fragile nerves inside the teeth that they need a break.
9-porcelain crowns and tooth colored fillings will not whiten. If possible, take into account before you have any visible tooth colored dental work, teeth whitening.
10- more thick enamel whiten more thin enamel. Email is thinner on the gums and can appear more yellow the rest of the tooth. bottom teeth have an email thinner than the upper teeth and could not get as white. MS. & F




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