The right of passage to apply moisture on the Face

The right of passage to apply moisture on the Face

The right of passage to apply moisture on the Face



Wash your face and Pat lightly with a towel to absorb some - but not all - excess moisture. Moisturizer penetrates more easily clean, damp skin. Do not rub with the towel, which can irritate the skin.


Wash your hands and rub the moisturizer everywhere in your hands until it is completely absorbed. If your hands are dry, they absorb some of your facial moisturizer. Dirty hands will be extend to oil and impurities from your face, which can result in acne.


Inject a quantity of hazelnut of moisturizer for the face unscented on your fingers and rub lightly to warm. Heated moisturizer will absorb into the skin better than moisturizing cold. Scented moisturizers may worsen the delicate skin of the face, especially around the eyes and mouth.


Dot moisturizing cream on your forehead, cheeks and Chin. Pat, not rub, the moisturizer on your skin, with an upward motion. Do not pull down on the skin.
Rub the delicate skin of the face can cause irritation and blotchiness, especially around the nose. Add a little more moisturizing cream if necessary to apply a thin amount all over the face.


Apply a small knob of eye cream on your ring finger and pat it very gently under your eyes and your eyelids. The ring finger is often the weakest finger on your hand, which will help to prevent you from applying too much pressure to delicate eyes skin.


Lip balm Pat on your lips with your finger. Carry it with you for a new application. Eat, drink and lick your lips balm and can steal moisture.


Allow the moisturizer fully absorb through the skin before applying makeup. You should find that makeup applies more easily to a face well hydrated, and that you do not need as much Foundation or powder to get a skin smooth and tonic-even.



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