Shade from dark to light

Shade from dark to light

Shade from dark to light



Decide if you need to use hair dye or bleach. Use the hair dye if your hair are regular colored, damaged, dry or brittle. Use bleach if your hair are usually in good shape and has not been dyed recently or at all.


Put an old t-shirt and cover your shoulders with an old towel to prevent the bleach or hair dye come into contact with your clothing.


Use a comb to separate your hair evenly along the centre. Then begin to divide the two halves into smaller sections. While the quantity of items you want to separate your hair really is in you, the golden rule is to divide your hair into quarters. PIN or bind each article separately from other sections.


Put your plastic gloves and start preparing your hair dye or bleach as indicated on the package of the manufacturer.


Apply the dye for the hair or bleach in your hair ends by rubbing with bleach or dye in the hair with plastic gloved hands. Work section by section, apply the color of the bottom quarter of the hair down. Continue this process until the tips of each section are enlightened.


Wrap your hair in a tin foil ends, once all sections have been dyed. Leave your hair for about 20 to 45 minutes, depending on how light you want your hair to get. Longer you wait more your hair will be lighter. Glance from time to time to see if your hair has reached the shade you want more.


Remove aluminum foil and rinse your hair ends with water until the color or bleach runs out and the water is clear. Or, let your hair dry in air or blow-dry and style you like.



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