Get a shine on black leather boots
Spread a towel on your work area.
Remove the laces of your shoes, if any.
Stuff each startup with newspaper wadded-up top. This fills the boots to make it easier to Polish the folds. Polishing did get rid of wrinkles, but it will make them less noticeable.
Brush your boots with a rigid bristle brush to get rid of the dried dirt and other debris. If brushing is not enough to clean boots, dampen a cloth with warm water and wipe the boots with it. Allow the boots to dry before polishing.
Coat the bristles of the brush with black shoe Polish.
Apply the wax to all surfaces of the boots, including the top, sides, languages and seams. Wait 15 to 20 minutes to allow the Polish to dry.
Heat a tablespoon in a glass of warm water for a few minutes, then wipe it dry. Pass the back of the spoon on all surfaces of the boots. The warmth of the spoon based on poles in leather and boots gives a brighter, more brilliant look.
Brush the boots with a brush horsehair to remove excess Polish. When you are finished, you should see a light coat of varnish on the boots. If any varnish penetrated carnations, scrape it off with a toothpick.
Polish boots by rubbing all polished surfaces with a soft cloth or nylon pantyhose. The texture of the nylon tights will give you the boots a deeper shine. When polishing, wipe back until the boots look very bright.
Moisten a cotton ball with water, then press it to the cotton is damp but not soggy.
Soak the cotton ball in shoe Polish. Rub the heel and toe of each bundle with the cotton ball until the leather shines. If the leather is not enough shiny after a single application, use a new cotton ball to apply a wax more. You can also rub the rest of boots with the cotton ball. Repeat this procedure until the boots are as bright as you want.
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